Have you..

  • Been feeling sluggish?

  • Have had eating habits that you know are not healthy for you?

  • Felt more tired than usual?

  • Not feeling rested in the morning, even though you slept at night?

  • Been starting your day and ending your day rushed and feel restless?

If you said yes...then it is time for a detox!

In this course you will..

  • Discover current physical habits

  • Identify physical habits that have been negatively impacting your body

  • Develop a strategy and work a plan for a healthier you

Begin A New Start!

This masterclass is designed for on the go professionals who struggle with self-care and find it difficult to incorporate wellness in their busy lives. This course will provide you with the tools and strategies for you to develop a clear and focused mindset and improve your overall physical wellness. With this course, you'll be able to release some of the negative healthy habits  and achieve a sense of overall physical rejuvenation!

What are the benefits?

The many benefits of this course.....

  • Clearer focus!

  • More energy!

  • Effectiveness in managing daily responsibilities!

  • Rested and more vibrant!

Get Physically Renewed!

Over $100 Value

    1. Welcome!

    1. Physical Detox - Day 1 Preparation

    1. Physical Detox Day 2-Identifying My Negative Habits

    2. Physical Detox- Identifying My Negative Habits

    1. Physical Detox Day 3-Let's Eat More Healthy

    1. Physical Detox Day 4 - Developing Healthy Habits

    2. Physical Detox Day 4-Developing Healthy Physical Habits

    1. Physical Detox Day 5-Out With The Old Habits, In With The New Habits

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Executive Director of Anew Health Solutions, PLLC Dr. Michelle Harris

Hi, I'm Michelle Harris, and I have a deep-rooted passion for guiding others through life's challenges. I have witnessed firsthand the impact of supportive counseling during a family crisis. I specialize in holistic care, blending mind, body, and spirit wellness within a biblical framework to help individuals find purpose and balance. I understand what it is like to live a life where you feel like you are just existing and constantly feeling stressed. During my time of transition on the road to recovery, I discovered a strategy that helped me manage my time, energy, and priorities, allowing me to accomplish far more in far less time. I’ve trained thousands of leaders around the world and have helped lift them out of cycles of stress and burnout. I help them to grow their organizations, advance their careers, manage their responsibilities, be far more present at home, and feel a sense of greater purpose in life.